Forked from servomac/mitro.
A first attempt to dockerize the Mitro Password Manager after being released under GPL. I claim no authority in the field, i'm just trying to set up a simple deployment process for a Mitro server. Contributions are welcomed!
- Config docker-compose.yml
- Default data folder is
. - You should set
. - You should set
- Execute docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
First time, start-up is very slow ( because of building the browser extensions ).
Once you have the server up and running, docker generate the Chrome extension automatically.
docker run -it --link mitro_postgres_1:db --rm postgres sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=$DB_ENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD exec pg_dump -h "$DB_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres mitro' | bzip2 > mitro.sql.bz2