
Job IO statistics on Lustre file systems for HPC Clusters

Primary LanguagePython


Job IO statistics on Lustre file systems for HPC Clusters

A quick and dirty utility to get raw job IO statistics on Lustre file systems. This utility is written in Python.

Known issue On Lustre client 2.5.1, I noticed the read_bytes & write_bytes is now reporting samples + 4 values instead of 3 values. The script must be corrected to read the last but one column instead of last column.

How to use:

Refer to the sample job script on how to use this utility.

External Dependencies:

Site Customizations:

In iostats_client.py, update the following to reflect the file system names at your site

MDCPath = "/proc/fs/lustre/llite/snx1100*"

OSCPath = "/proc/fs/lustre/osc/snx1100*"

The server picks a port to listen to based on the job id. The job id format I worked with is server.jobid. The jobid portion is numeric. If your job ID's are not numeric, customize the Port variable in iostats_client.py & iostats_server.py to match your needs. Using jobid is convenient as there will never be a conflict when multiple jobs are using this utility.


Error handling is not extensively tested. Espeically if permissions restrict the script from reading the necessary files in /proc, there maybe issues with the server waiting forever.

Sample output

| File System   | File Read   | File Write   |
| BW Home       | 320.0 MB    | 0.0 bytes    |
| BW Scratch    | 32.0 GB     | 32.0 GB      |
| BW Projects   | 0.0 bytes   | 0.0 bytes    |

Metadata statistics for this job:
| File System   |   open |   close |   create |        seek |   fsync |   getattr |   mkdir |
| BW Home       |    160 |     160 |        0 | 0           |       0 |       448 |       0 |
| BW Scratch    |    256 |     256 |        0 | 1.67772e+07 |       0 |       256 |       0 |
| BW Projects   |      0 |       0 |        0 | 0           |       0 |         0 |       0 |

This work was developed while at NCSA. Please provide attribution as needed.