
I built a Blog API using the full set of Django REST Framework features. It have users, user registration using rest-auth, Token Authentication using JWT, permissions, and allow for full CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) functionality. Added support for graphql

Primary LanguagePython

Blog API using django and django rest framework and graphql

This project was done in order to deepen my rest-api and graphql skills.

Also understand how rest framework works, handling json data

Part 1:

  1. Create a Blog API where a user can post a blog.
  2. Used django rest framework to serialize the model into Json
  3. Used graphene djangopackage to to add support for graphql

Additional Python Modules Required:

  • Django
  • django-rest-framework
  • django-rest-auth
  • django jwt library
  • graphene-django

Usage :

pip install -r requirments.txt

python blogpost/manage.py makemigrations

python blogpost/manage.py migrate

python blogpost/manage.py runserver

In your web browser enter the address : http://localhost:8000 or

or enter https://blogger-aping.herokuapp.com/ for the hosted API on heroku