
Tool that uses histogram equalization to adjust image contrast

Primary LanguagePython


  • Equalizes the contrast of an image using a histogram
  • Spreads out the contrast
  • Lighter areas become darker and darker areas become lighter
  • Makes it easier to identify features in an image
  • A cummulative distribution function is used to find the new gray value of a pixel
  • Usage: python histogram_equalization.py -i <inputf> [-o <outputf> -t <transferf> -a <histinf> -b <histoutf>]
  • -o specifies output image path, -t specifies transfer function plot path, -a specifies input histogram path, -b specifies output histogram path

Input Image

alt tag

Output Image (after histogram equalization)

alt tag

Transfer Function

alt tag

Input Histogram

alt tag

Output Histogram

alt tag