
Example of VSCode Python debugger failing when tests requires custom PWD.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Use make init to create venv in the venv/ directory.
  2. Configure your VSCode to use it as an interpreter.
  3. At the moment, you cannot find any tests in the Test Explorer. Let's fix it by setting in VSCode python.testing.cwd to the subproject/theproject directory.
  4. Now, you can open test explorer and run tests. It should pass.
  5. Let's try to debug the test. Apparently, you cannot, and in output/Python you see something like: [ERROR...] [object Object] [object Object]

Steps to debug the troubles:

  1. Try run a test debug, then look into Output/Python window, find a line DAP Server launched with command ...

  2. Basing on this path, open the folder pythonFiles in the extension's dir, and first do following:

    • in lib/python/debugpy/adapter/__main__.py find the line about 44, and force the log.log_dir to a chosen writable directory,

    • in visualstudio_py_testlauncher.py look into the main() and in the main try/except block, before the finally add the following:

      except Exception as err:
          errorMessage = traceback.format_exc()
  3. Now run tests once more, and in the selected logs directory, in the debugpy.adapter-xxx.log file, look for "category": "stdout". You will see outputs from the test runner.

  4. Use your magic power and debug, add prints etc. until you discover the issue.

Now, let's try to fix it:

  1. In the lib/python/debugpy/adapter/clients.py let's find the line with parsing cwd (around 375) and change it to the expected testing path (absolute path).
  2. Run the debugging.
  3. It works!