
😎👕🧦 A list of swag opportunities for developers

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As a developer, nothing piques my interest as much as developer swag! This is an attempt to list down the current swag opportunities for developers.

Feel free to send a PR! 😄

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  • Publish a skill, get a hoodie (varies by country) and an Echo Spot (if 1,000 unique customers use your skill in its first 30 days of publication)! Reference


  • Submit 5 builds in 30 days, get t-shirts & stickers sent your way! Reference


  • Get 30 ++'s on a single rant you've posted to devRant to receive 3 free high-quality devRant laptop stickers! Or post an awesome rant that gets over 750 ++'s to receive a free devRant squishy stress ball! Reference

Google Assistant

  • Make an app for the Google Assistant available to users, get an exclusive Google Assistant t-shirt and a Google Home (if a certain number of users engage with it)! Reference


  • Make four pull requests in October, earn a limited edition T-shirt! Reference


  • Send an email to support@mullvad.net with "STICKERS" in the subject line. Include a postal address in the email and get an assortment of stickers sent your way. Reference


  • Complete this survey about using netlify for documentation and get stickers.




To the extent possible under law, Swapnil Agarwal has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.