This is an Android reader app that I am building for my college newspaper. I have decided that I will make all the app's code available to the public, as guidance for those who wish to get a glimpse at what structure could possibly be implemented in a news reader app (eg. Listview, story-reader-view, action-bar options, navigation drawer options etc.).
This project is by no means complete, and is under progress. Nearing completion, all the data related to my college's newspaper will be deleted and replaced with STUB data to act as a visual aid for the application. This is a precaution taken to insure the security of the final product, and therefore the Android Playstore.
I plan on having a blog that goes through each step of the application, but that is number 31 on my priority list at the moment. So for now, the documentation is all you have to go by. This will be fixed when the time is right AKA, when the application is usable enough and bug free that it makes sense to have proper documentation for those who wish to understand the underlying code of the application.
If you have any questions or concerned, please contact me: