
This project is a Distributed Systems based Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) implementation for enabling user-defined pipelined execution. Micro-services are deployed at run time using docker containers based on user requests.

Primary LanguagePython

Steps to run 
Run the following commands in sequence

Following steps To be done at master physical node 
1. Create the Docker Images for each Microservice 

$ sh images.sh

2. Start the pricing scheduler and resource monitor server 

$ cd resource_monitoring_server
$ python3 pricing_schedular.py
$ python3 monitor_server.py

Note: Server running at http://<IP of Master Node>:9999/retrieve/<user_id>

3. Start the API Gateway Server

$ cd api_gateway_server
$ python3 api_gateway.py

Note: Server running at http://<IP of Master Node>:5000/

Following steps To be done at Slave Physical Node

1. Start resource monitor client

$ cd resource_monitoring_client
$ python3 monitor_client.py

Following steps To be done at Client Machine

$ cd client1

Note: Setup Configurations in the config.ini file and run the following commands.Tokenwill be updated on its own when we run config_setup.py.

$ python3 config_setup.py
$ python3 streaming.py