
AWS's ecs template for wordpress - uses fargate and two docker continers

Primary LanguagePython

Wordpress Ecs fargate Template

this is ready for deploy Aws ecs fargate template


  1. AWS account.

  2. aws cli installed.


  1. Installing ecs cli

Folders Structure

config // nginx and php-fpm configuration

ops // json definitions for aws roles and processes

site // app files

.gitignore //ready to use with bedrock from roots.io

buidspec.yml // code build instructions

*.Dockerfile // both of the dockers that will be build at the process. YOU SHOULD CHANGE THEIR FROM SECTION. 

README.md // here i am

How to use this repo

mkdir ${name-of-your-project}
cd ${name-of-your-project}

git clone https://github.com/amitrahav/wordpress-ecs-template.git ./

ECR - if not exsits

  1. create two ECR repositories: one for php-app and one for nginx: create-repository --repository-name ${applicationName}-${environment}-fpm && create-repository --repository-name ${applicationName}-${environment}-nginx.


  1. change all {} content at ops/codePipelineServiceRole.json create codePipeline service role by aws iam create-role --role-name ${applicationName}-${environment} --assume-role-policy-document file://ops/codePipelineServiceRole.json
  2. modify ops/codePipeline.json with the correct name for your app. create new codePipeline using aws cli aws codepipeline create-pipeline --cli-input-json file://ops/codePipeline.json or manually.

Lambda function - if not exists

  1. change all {} content at ops/lambdaServiceRole.json create service role by aws iam create-role --role-name arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/updateECSImage-service-role --assume-role-policy-document file://ops/codePiplineServiceRole.json
  2. zip lambda file zip ops/lambda.zip ops/lambda.py
  3. deploy lambda function aws lambda create-function --function-name updateECSImage --zip-file fileb://ops/lambda.zip --handler lambda.handler --runtime python2,7 --role arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/updateECSImage-service-role

ECS Task

  1. change all {} content at ops/ecsTaskExecutionRole.json create service role by aws iam create-role --role-name arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole file://ops/ecsTaskExecutionRole.json.
  2. change all {} content at ops/task-definition.json and register the task aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file://ops/task-definition.json

ECS Service

  1. create cluster if doesn't exists aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name "${application-name}"
  2. create service aws ecs create-service --service-name ${app name}-${environment}-service --task-definition {task-definition family name} --desired-count 1 (you can use any other desired count)


  1. add declarative loadBalancer security groups, target group and https configuration.

App files

It's recommended to use bedrock.

cd site
composer create-project roots/bedrock ./

before initial commit you Should add php-fpm docker image path to fpm.Dockerfile (line 1). I Use Wp-Engine as php-fpm container.

How Does It work

  1. dockerBuild install dependencies and create 2 docker image and push them into ECR repo.

  2. Nginx and PHP-FPM configuration (from config/ folder) being copied to the containers.

  3. With the help of a simple lambda function (ops/lambda.py), i updated ECS service, and reDeployed it.