
My nvim config for making notes and fully fledge programming

Primary LanguageLua


Kamal's Neovim config

This is my pride and joy, I try to make it as functional as possible

This document is mostly for reminding me how to do things

File specific config extras

In after/lua/filetype we have a list of lua files to configure our filetypes. We name them with the actual file actual file extensions of our files as opposed to vim's inside ft. We can set up the following filetype specific settings from within <ft>.lua:

  • M.treesitter: extends the treesitter config with the documented options
  • M.pastify: alters how we create image paths for when we paste images from our clipboard
  • M.luasnip_config_extend: extends luasnip config with the documented config options
  • M.neogen_config_extend: extends neogen config with the documented config options

Rationale for having a central mappings folder in our main lua folder

We have a central mappings folder located in our main lua folder. This is because, to me it is nice to access all the mappings for all my plug-ins in one place.

This is in contrast to how we handle mappings for filetypes. Here we have each mapping in the filetype folder in after/lua/filetype. This seems more intuitive to me as you get all the information for that filetype in one location

I am at odds whether I should organise my mappings for my plug-ins in the same manner. It feels right how it currently is but idk.


  • see what client.workspace folder does
  • Add range formatting to lua ls capabilities
  • Change our load_package to not return the bool but just the table | null
  • Change toggle format on save command definition to be in lua

file strucure for a plugin:

  • init.lua (only lazy related stuff)
  • setup.lua (setup stuff)
  • mappings.lua (key maps in list)

I kind of want to make a plugin that can take a link to a tar.gz and put it in nvim path so it's completely portable. Kind of like mason but for programmes

  • Only allow treesitter to load when we have a parser available for the filetype
  • Write plugin that makes it so that we go to end of next delimitor
  • Make ts exit silently and default back to vim highlighting if not parser
  • Figure out how to unravel cmp and luasnip so we can require luasnip later
  • Make git vimdiff a toggle
  • fallback gd and di for quickfix
  • Git command for ammending current staged to previous commit
  • Figure out good folding. Maybe that means making an autocommand for every time we go into the buffer, i dont care
  • one i leave the snippet environemnt i want that shit deactivated