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Welcome to the CAP project.
This repository contains the GAP package CAP and many packages based on it (see the table below). For more packages based on CAP which are not part of this repository, see the table on this page.
Please take a look at our manual for a first introduction to CAP.
Packages of CAP_project:
Name | Description | Documentation |
CAP | Categories, Algorithms, Programming | |
ActionsForCAP | Actions and Coactions for CAP | |
AttributeCategoryForCAP | Automatic enhancement with attributes of a CAP category | |
CartesianCategories | Cartesian and cocartesian categories and various subdoctrines | |
CompilerForCAP | Speed up computations in CAP categories | |
ComplexesAndFilteredObjectsForCAP | Implementation of complexes, cocomplexes and filtered objects for CAP | |
FreydCategoriesForCAP | Freyd categories - Formal (co)kernels for additive categories | |
GeneralizedMorphismsForCAP | Implementations of generalized morphisms for the CAP project | |
GradedModulePresentationsForCAP | Presentations for graded modules | |
GroupRepresentationsForCAP | Skeletal category of group representations for CAP | |
HomologicalAlgebraForCAP | Homological algebra algorithms for CAP | |
InternalExteriorAlgebraForCAP | Constructions for Modules over the Internal Exterior Algebra for CAP | |
LinearAlgebraForCAP | Category of Matrices over a Field for CAP | |
ModulePresentationsForCAP | Category R-pres for CAP | |
ModulesOverLocalRingsForCAP | Category of modules over a local ring modeled by Serre quotients for CAP | |
MonoidalCategories | Monoidal and monoidal (co)closed categories | |
ToricSheaves | Toric sheaves as Serre quotients |