
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Remote file input plugin for Embulk

This plugin load data from Remote hosts by SCP


  • Plugin type: file input
  • Resume supported: yes
  • Cleanup supported: yes


  • hosts: Target hosts, its format should be hostname or hostname:port (its port overrides default_port) (list, default: [])
  • hosts_command: Command to get hosts (Windows not supported). If given the option, hosts is overwritten. (string, default: null)
  • hosts_separator: Separator for hosts_command result (string, default: " ")
  • default_port: Port number for SSH (integer, default: 22)
  • path: File or directory path of remote host (string, default: "")
  • path_command: Command to get path (Windows not supported). If given the option, path is overwritten. (string, default: null)
  • ignore_not_found_hosts: If true, hosts that meet the following conditions are skipped, which means they are not included into the the target of resuming.) (boolean, default: false)
    • Target file (or directory) is not found
    • An error that is related to SSH connectivity occurred
  • auth: SSH authentication setting (hash, default: {})
    • user: SSH username (string, default: current user)
    • type: public_key or password (string, default: public_key)
    • key_path: Path of your secret key (required when you choose public_key type) (string, default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa or id_dsa")
    • password: Password of the user (required when you choose password type) (string)
    • skip_host_key_verification: If true, verification of host key will be skipped (boolean, default: false)
    • load_known_hosts: If true, load the known_hosts file (boolean, default: true)


  type: remote
    - host1
    - host2:10022
  # hosts_command: echo 'host1,host2:10022'
  # hosts_separator: ','
  path: /some/path/20150414125923
  # path_command: echo /some/path/`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`
  ignore_not_found_hosts: true
    user: a_user
    type: public_key
    key_path: /usr/home/.ssh/id_rsa
    # type: password
    # password: {password}


When running Embulk with this plugin on Linux, it might be blocked due to SecureRandom. Please try one of followings to resolve it. (Note: it makes SecureRandom more insecure than default)

set JVM_OPTION "-Djava.security.egd"

$ export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom"
$ embulk run config.yml

Update "securerandom.source" in ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/java.security

# securerandom.source=file:/dev/random  # before
securerandom.source=file:/dev/./urandom # after

see also


Development on local machine

Install Docker and Docker compose so that you can start SSH-able containers and run tests.

$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose ps
          Name                 Command       State           Ports        
embulk-input-remote_host1   /entrypoint.sh   Up>22/tcp
embulk-input-remote_host2   /entrypoint.sh   Up>22/tcp

$ docker cp $(docker inspect --format="{{.Id}}" embulk-input-remote_host1):/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa_test .
$ chmod 400 id_rsa_test
$ ./gradlew test


$ ./gradlew gem