
Project Goal:

For this holiday we will be working on a project idea will be submitting for graduation purposes. For Compassion Kenya will be finishing our learning in "February " and for KilifiGoa will be finishing in March. So will go through the 5 stages of project management if you feel this tough you can use the same process on a portfolio project.

Methodology: Use the five stages of project management to guide your work.

Minimalist Project Management Process Infographic Graph Take a pen and a book then write down the stages...and use it as a guide when you finish stage one tick it on your book.



Here you will do brain storming you will ask yourself the following questions.

    1. What am I good at? (Mention at least five things..include your profession or school work)
    1. What projects can I do with my strengths? (Try and align projects with your answer from question 1.)
    1. You can also ask what challenge am i facing at school and also at home or my village or church. (Write any that comes to mind)
    1. Among the challenges what solution can I have? ( Create it as a project idea.)
    1. Ask yourself what your goals are.
    1. What goals are more achievable? Project Initiation face


Here try and think about how your project will look like. Ask the following Questions?

    1. Will the users sign in and log in?
    1. Will we have a home page?
    1. Will we have a contact page?
    1. What other features will it have? ** I advice you to draw on a piece of paper a roadmap of what you expect and create a clear plan with dates and timelines.

Project Planner Sheet

Execution: Communicate

Implement the plan, manage tasks, monitor progress, and address any challenges. Here you come to the instructors and ask for help if you encounter any bugs or difficulties.

Monitoring and Control:

Track progress against the plan, adapt to any changes and ensure the project stays on track.


Here you submit your project on the project submission form that will be provided on 5th January 2023 ...You will submit your GitHub link a video on YouTube on how your project works and if you worked in a group your group members' names.

Additional Notes:

Consider specifying the nature of the project (e.g., research, community service, design, etc.) for better understanding. If using the same project for different programs, clearly differentiate the specific deliverables and completion dates for each.