
ExpressJS asyncronous pub-sub using Nats.io in TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nats.io Request/Reply as ExpressJS REST API

This repository is purely for reference and is illustrative in it is purpose. Please do not use in production as is, use this as a guide or starting point for a production level implementation.

This project illustrates the use of Nats.io built in Request/Reply streaming pattern within an ExpressJS API. The goal behind this implementation is to showcase a loosely coupled pub-sub Rest API pattern, wherein the implementation of an API request is handled by a subscriber.

This pattern is useful in many ways, but there are a few freebies from this implementation :

  • Any programming language can use Nats.io API to initiate Request/Response directly with Nats.io bypassing HTTP entirely
  • The API can be written in NodeJS|Go|Python|Java|.NET Core C#, and the Subscriber can be written in NodeJS|Go|Python|Java|.NET Core C#
  • The subscriber can be swapped out and or A|B tested
  • The Nats Subject can be subscribed to by (n) additional subscribers, for activities like logging, direct push to a DataLake, and so on.

What will be seen in this example is a stock ticker being published to a Nats Subject, and Alpha Vantage Daily Adjusted API replying to the request token asynchronously.


Before you continue, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Environment Variables

This repository uses dotenv, feel free to create a .env file to set the ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY, or override other aspects of the program.

  • ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY : The API Key provided by Alpha Vantage (defaults to no-key)
  • PORT : The port the express server should run on (defaults to 3000)
  • SUBJECT : The Nats subject the Request/Reply will be issued on (defaults to stock.request)
  • NATS_SERVER : The Nats server that will be facilitating Pub-Sub (defaults to localhost)

Running the Application

  1. 'cd' to the root of this repository (where it was cloned)
  2. Create a file in the root named .env
    • Add the AlphaVantage key in this file as follows : ALPHA_VANTAGE_KEY=< insert key here >
  3. run npm install from the command line
  4. open a terminal to the root of this repository and run :
    • npm run daily-adjusted-subscription
    • allow the subscription a few additional seconds to bind, 503 errors may be experienced during this binding time
  5. open a second terminal to the root of this repository and run :
    • npm run api
  6. open Postman or a browser and execute a GET request to :


  • Notice that the API has no prior knowledge as to what the subscriber is going to provide
  • Validation can be put in place or a canonical can be used to ensure correctness of the reply
  • This repository is heavily commented to provide context as to what and why, if in VS Code feel free to collapse all comments if they are obtrusive
    • On Mac -> Press + K then + /
    • On Windows & Linux -> Press Ctrl + K then Ctrl + /