
Primary LanguageHTML

Edosoft Factory corporative website

Corporative website for Edosoft Factory.

Project structure

├── build                   # Compiled website
├── node_modules            # Folder with the downloaded Node.js modules
├── src                     # Source files for the website
│   ├── app                 # HTML templates and Angular related code
│   ├── assets              # Media files used in the webpage
│   ├── js                  # Javascript code for the app
│   ├── less                # LESS/CSS files with the webpages' style
│   └── index.html          # <head> of the generated HTML code
├── vendor                  # Folder with the downloaded Bower modules
├── bower.json              # File with Bower packages
├── Gruntfile.js            # File with Grunt tasks and plugins
├── package.json            # File with Node.js packages
└── s3_website.yml          # AWS S3 configuration file (used by Jenkins)

Quick Start

This website has been built using Node.js, Bower and Grunt.

First, a Node.js installation is required. It can be installed following the instructions here. After Node.js is installed, Grunt, Karma and Bower are also required. They can be installed globally with the following command:

$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower

Afterwards, use the following commands on a directory of your choice to set up the development environment:

$ git clone https://github.com/edosoft/web-sites.git
$ cd web-sites/edosoft
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt watch

Finally, open website/build/index.html in your browser. Alternatively, the grunt watch command should open a new tab on your browser with the compiled page.

Happy hacking!