
Make Iron even Pureer with Forge Attlasian

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Deployed at


Steps to deploy and install for production environment ready app

forge deploy -e production forge install -e production Y

logging debugging

forge logs

Forge Hello World (Typescript)

This project contains a Forge app written in Typescript that displays Hello World! in a Confluence macro.

See developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ for documentation and tutorials explaining Forge.


See Set up Forge for instructions to get set up.

Quick start

  • Modify your app by editing the src/index.tsx file.

  • Build and deploy your app by running:

forge deploy
  • Install your app in an Atlassian site by running:
forge install
  • Develop your app by running forge tunnel to proxy invocations locally:
forge tunnel


  • Use the forge deploy command when you want to persist code changes.
  • Use the forge install command when you want to install the app on a new site.
  • Once the app is installed on a site, the site picks up the new app changes you deploy without needing to rerun the install command.


See Get help for how to get help and provide feedback.