This is the code repository for the TVART method, to accompany the paper "Time-varying Autoregression with Low Rank Tensors" by Kameron Decker Harris, Aleksandr Aravkin, Rajesh Rao, and Bing Brunton. [arxiv link]
- MATLAB R2017b (not tested on earlier versions) with relevant toolboxes
- UNLocBox
- vline/hline
- Python 2.7 or 3.6 with numpy, scipy (optional, for preprocessing neural example)
The files to run the TVART algorithm and examples are included here.
- TVART_alt_min.m - implementes the alternating minimization algorithm described in the text
- switching_linear.m - switching linear test case
- smooth_linear.m - smooth linear test case
- example_worms.m - worm behavior example
- example_el_nino.m - sea surface temperature example
- - preprocessing script to remove line noise and compute band power for neural example
- example_neurotycho.m - neural activity example
- other files: helper functions, iPython notebooks used to compare with SLDS, switching_linear_comparison* and smooth_linear_comparison* run sweeps of test problems across N... these are provided as-is and will require some tweaking to run
The data for the examples is stored here. You will need to carry out some extra steps to run all examples:
We obtained the code and data from Costa et al. from To just run our example, all that is needed is "worm_tseries.h5".
In order to run the "Sea surface temperature" example, you must download
The files "ersst4.nino.mth.81-10.ascii" and "PDO.txt" are from and
These data are kindly provided by the Neurotycho project:
In order to prepare the data, you must run the preprocessing script.
After running the code, figures will be saved in this directory. We include some figures modified from Neurotycho