My collection of links for APEX to read, APEX to watch and APEX to communicate. Inspired by awesome list.
- APEX World
- Slack for
- Slack Channel for APEX - AskTOM - Forum for Oracle questions
- MeetUp APEX Munich - APEX MeetUp Group for Munich
- Documentation APEX 5.1 - Oracle Application Express Documentation Release 5.1
- API Reference APEX 5.1 - Application Express API Reference
- Substitution Strings - Understanding Substitution Strings
- Universal Theme - Universal Theme from Oracle APEX (since 5.0)
- Font Awesome - Font Awesome delivers shiny new icons
- APEX Theme Styles - Collection of APEX theme styles
- Material APEX - Material Design Theme, Vincent Morneau
- Built with APEX - Collection of APEX websites
- Using IG - Oracle Documentation APEX 5.1
- IG Cookbook - Sample application, John Snyders
- IG Cheatsheet - Oracle APEX Interactive Grid Cheat Sheet @mgoricki
- IG Under the hood - About the IG architecture, John Snyders
- How to hack IG - 4 parts about IG, John Snyders
- APEX Nitro - APEX Nitro makes coding faster and easier by syncing static files more efficiently within an APEX application @OraOpenSource
- orclapex-js - TypeScript Definitions for Oracle Application Express JavaScript API @fuzziebrain
- APEX-SERT - Security Evaluation and Recommendation Tool for Oracle Application Express @OraOpenSource
- apexChat - Oracle APEX Region Plugin apexChat @isabolic
- Battleship - APEX Game Battleship @maxime-tremblay
- Yatzy - APEX Game Yatzy @jariolaine
- Best Practices - Best Practices APEX Side @dgielis
- Awesome Orclapex - Awesome Oracle APEX list @Dani3lSun
- PL/SQL Challenge - Active learning with regular quizzes on several topics e.g. PL/SQL, APEX, SQL...
- Codewars - Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges, e.g SQL, JavaScript
- Translation - How to translate my application in Oracle Apex 5, Stephane Plancke
- QuickSQL - Oracle Quick SQL: Markdown-like shorthand that generates SQL
- APEX & Search - Search capabilities in an APEX applications, Paul Jones, Craig Sykes
- Application Express, REST Services and REST Enabled SQL APEX Day Frankfurt 2017, Carsten Czarski
- Beautiful UI in APEX 5.0 - APEX Connect 2015, Shakeeb Rahman
- Complete Guide to Dynamic Actions - APEX Connect 2017, Matt Mulvaney
- Security Threats in APEX (Part 1) and (Part 2) - Recognizing and Preventing Security Threats in APEX Applicationsk, ODTUG
- Channel: APEX World
- Channel: APEX Summer School 2015
- Channel: Oracle Application Express
- The Oracle APEX Talkshow - It's all about APEX! @JuergenSchuster
- BI Publisher Integration - APEX Users! Why not Integrate with BI Publisher 11g Today!
- JR Demo Application - JasperReports Demo Application (German)
- Jaspersoft Community - Getting Started with Jaspersoft Studio
- jrxml2pdf - A pure PL/SQL reporting engine (transforms jrxml to PDF), Andreas Weiden
- Oracle Application Express by Design - Patrick Cimolini, 2017
- Beginning Oracle Application Express 5 - Doug Gault, 2015
- Expert Oracle Application Express 2nd Edition - Gault, D., Gielis, D., DSouza, M., Hartman, R., Mattamal, R., Kennedy, S., Kubicek, D., Hichwa, M., McGhan, D., Scott, J., Nielsen, A., Mignault, F., Rimblas, J., Buytaert, N., Cannell, K., Peake, D., Ruepprich, C., Petrus, T., 2015