computhon2021-1: Jaccard Similarity

The source codes and simple test cases for the first Computhon.


We will clone the repo on TRUBA and dispatch a SLURM job that will compile and execute the Jaccard code on the sample example_graphs/g0.txt graph on a single node using 10 nodes.

First, while logged into TRUBA, we clone the repository and navigate to it:

git clone
cd computhon2021-1

Then, we dispatch the job by executing the following command with <account> being our account on TRUBA:

sbatch example_scripts/script_1node_10core_1gpu.slurm -A <account>

The outputs of the job will be in the file jaccard-%j.out and jaccard-%j.err where %j is the job ID.

SLURM scripts

You can start sending jobs to the cluster directly using one of the given SLURM scripts in the directory example_scripts. You can either use the script example_scripts/slurm_template.slurm as a template and fill out the options you need (advanced), or use one of the ready made SLURM scripts that cover the three categories of the competition:

  1. example_scripts/script_1node_10core_1gpu.slurm: this script will reserve a job that will use 1 node (server), 10 cores, 1 GPU, and a single task (process).
  2. example_scripts/script_1node_10core_4gpu.slurm: reserves a job that will use 1 node, 1 process (task), 10 cores, and 4 GPUs.
  3. example_scripts/script_3node_60core_12gpu.slurm: reserves a job that will use 3 nodes, 3 processes (tasks), 20 cores per process (60 cores total), and 4 GPUs per node (12 total).

The above three scripts include a paragraph at the top explaining the different options used to establish the job parameters. In addition, all the scripts will load the required modules to use OMP, CUDA, and MPU. Finally, the scripts, by default, will compile and execute the sample Jaccard code (jaccard.cpp) on the graph example_graphs/g0.txt.

To execute any of the above scripts (as well as the template script) use the following command:

sbatch example_scripts/<script> -A <account>

where <script> is the script you'd like to run and <account> is your TRUBA account.


Three example graphs are given in the directory example_graphs.