
A dataset derived from the carrots dataset in lmerTest package

Primary LanguageR

carrots Imgur

A reduced version of the carrots dataset that is distributed with the lmerTest package. The reduced dataset includes data from all 103 consumers included in the original dataset, but preference scores are only reported for 6 of the 12 Danish carrot types. The other columns retained from the original dataset are consumer rating of carrot sweetness, bitterness, and crispiness, the frequency at which each consumer consumed carrots, and the age, sex, income, and employment categories the consumers fell into.

The data are provided in two formats:

  1. Wide format (carrots), where the three carrot attribute ratings (sweetness, bitterness, and crispiness) are reported in separate columns;

  2. Long format (long_carrots), where the three carrot attribute rating columns have been gathered into an 'Attributes' column and an 'Attribute_rating' column (i.e., key-value pairings).

