Project Title:

Dog Heist's

Project Owners:

  1. Katherine Iannaccone - GitHub userName - kiannaccone
  2. Kameron Ashley - GitHub userName - kameronashley
  3. Christian Monteverde - GitHub userName - ChristianMFlatiron

Reason for the project:

This project was built in order to apply and showcase the skills we have learned and developed during our phase three training at the Software Engineering Live class - FlatIron Bootcamp (class of 09/21). These skills major in our use of JavaScript and React to manipulate and change the DOM, and CSS/React styled components to design webpages. To create a backend API for our application, we utilized Sinatra to create CRUD responses, Activerecord to make SQL commands, and Ruby to create classes and endpoints.

Project Description:

Dog Heist's is a site for users who need a special job done. It allows users to create their own heist by naming the heist and who is the creator of the heist. From there, you are navigated to a page; beware, these dogs are bad to the bone. To see their more information on one dog click on their image to view their profile. If they look like the right dog to you, you can select a role for them, their treat payout, which heist they belong to, and finally add them to the heist. Lastly, to see which dogs are in which heist you can view the Heist's page which gives all the heists or can delete an entire heist.

Learnings and Struggles:

This project challenged us to connect frontend and backend, but was rewarding to see the two work together and why you want your website to be backend heavy. During this project, we gathered more experience handling and manipulating DOM elements, building relations with our tables, and making CRUD actions. This project challenged and showed us the importance of project planning especially when it comes to tables and the use of join tables. Overall, it was a fun project with a fun concept that furthered our developer skills.


We used numerous resources both from our curriculum and those available for free online. These allowed us to expand our knowledge and practice many new skills.