
Simple Texture Atlas Builder Class

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Texture Atlas Builder Class


1.) Create new TextureAtlasBuilder: (ex.) var builder = new TextureAtlasBuilder(1024,1024,64)

   In this example, I created a new texture that is 1024 pixels x 1024 pixels, made of cells that are 64 pixels by 64 pixels

2.) Load Images: (ex.) builder.loadImage('my_image_url.png', 1, 1, 1, 1);

   In this example, I loaded an image at the location of cell [1, 1] (64px, 64px), with a size of 1 x 1 cells.

   (Note.) If you want the x and y to map directly to the pixel [x,y] , set the cell size to 1 pixel

3.) Finish: (ex.) builder.finish( function(url) { ... document.getElementById('image').src = url; });

   Finish, waits for all images to finish loading, gets the url of your new texture atlas, and calls the supplied function.