A Vue component for Vuetify.
This component is a file upload input with the base functionality of a Vuetify button.
npm i vuetify-upload-button
Include the script file, then install the component with Vue.use(UploadButton);
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/vuejs/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="node_modules/vuetify-upload-button/dist/upload-button.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
import UploadButton from 'vuetify-upload-button';
export default {
components: {
'upload-btn': UploadButton
Once installed, it can be used in a template as simply as:
Simple Upload button
Upon file change, the Upload Button component will use the callback function provided to the component, see the following example:
import UploadButton from 'vuetify-upload-button'
export default {
methods: {
fileChanged (file) {
// handle file here. File will be an object.
// If multiple prop is true, it will return an object array of files.
components: {
'upload-btn': UploadButton
Button with icon. The 'icon' slot defaults to the right:
title="Button With Icon"
<template slot="icon">
Button with left icon:
title="Button With Icon"
<template slot="icon-left">
<v-icon left>add</v-icon>
Button as icon
<upload-btn icon>
<template slot="icon">
You can use the following props
Name | Description | Type | Default |
accept | HTML input accept attribute | string | * |
block | block | bool | false |
depressed | remove box shadow | bool | false |
fileChangedCallback | callback for when a file is selected, returns a File object | function | undefined |
color | vuetify color, e.g. 'primary' | string | 'primary' |
disabled | sets disabled property for input/button | bool | false |
flat | sets button flat | bool | false |
hover | button has hoverable effect | bool | true |
icon | button is icon button | bool | false |
large | button is large | bool | false |
loading | loading state for button | bool | false |
multiple | allows multiple files to be uploaded, returns an array instead of single object | bool | false |
name | applies HTML name attribute | string | uploadFile |
outline | button is outline | bool | false |
ripple | button has ripple effect | bool | true |
round | button is round | bool | false |
small | button is small | bool | false |
title | text of button | string | 'Upload' |
uniqueId | use a unique id for the button for re-usability on same page | bool | false |