A simple Python script to generate ics calendars for GT MSA 2021 Fall semester.
['ISYE6501-MSA', 'ISYE6669-AM', 'ISYE6740-LAN', 'CP8853-BD', 'ISYE6404-A', 'ISYE6413-A', 'CSE6040-A', 'ISYE6333-A']
- Download the schedules.py
- Make it executable with chmod +x schedules.py
- Run it with ./schedules.py and follow instructions
You can also run the script with command line arguments
./schedules.py all|classes|office_hours SECTION_ID SECTION_ID SECTION_ID
e.g. ./schedules.py classes ISYE6669-AM ISYE6404-A ISYE6413-A CP8853-BD CSE6040-A ISYE6333-A ISYE6501-MSA ISYE6740-LAN
- Import the module
- Get relevant classes using get_classes("class1", "class2", "class3"...)
- Generate ics representations of them (e.g. [generate_event(i) for i in selected_classes]
- Generate a combined calendar representation (e.g. generate_calendar(events))
- Feel free to submit pull requests to add other courses
- Better documentation pending
- Adding key dates (exams, etc) is in TODO