Test task

The goal of the assignment is to develop a simple system for managing tasks, using external authentication.

Steps to follow for this test:

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Create ReactJS application inside this folder

    1. Remember about React app git repo patterns - such as .gitignore (A build system based on Github Actions will be very welcome.)
  3. Create free account on Auth0

    1. Remember about Auth0 proper configuration
  4. Integrate Auth0 login with React Application

  5. How application should look like:

    1. Create simple listing which shouldn't be protected for the anonymous user
      1. Should be placed under: /listing route.
      2. Should have a attribute which will be linked to the /details page
      3. Endpoint for gathering listing resources: https://reqres.in/api/users
    2. Create simple details view which should be protected for the anonymous user
      1. Should be placed under: /details route.
      2. It should display user avatar (lazy loading will be welcome)
      3. Endpoint for gathering user resource: https://reqres.in/api/users/1
  6. Git repository layout and patterns

    1. A correctly executed task should have commits in the Conventional Commit Messages format
  7. What you should do when you finish this task

    1. Create a pull request with your changes to this repository and notify your email about the completed task