
Project-005 : Sass Website Page Design


Project aims to create website site using sass.

Problem Statement

  • Your company has recently started on a project that aims to create a company website page. So you and your colleagues have started to work on the project.

Project Skeleton

005-Sass-website-page-design (folder)
|         # Given to the students (Definition of the project)          
|----images            # Given to the students (Images of the project)   
        |----css (folder)   
        |----scss (folder)   
              |----abstracts (folder) 
              |----base (folder) 
              |----components (folder) 
              |----sections (folder) 
        |----assets (folder)

Expected Outcome

Project 005 Snapshot


Make a web page like in the example project.

At the end of the project, following topics are to be covered;

  • HTML

  • Js

  • CSS

  • Sass / Scss

At the end of the project, students will be able to;

  • improve coding skills within HTML, CSS & Sass/Scss

  • use git commands (push, pull, commit, add etc.) and Github as Version Control System.

Steps to Solution

  • Step 1: Download or clone project repo on Github

  • Step 2: Create project folder for local public repo on your pc

  • Step 3: Create Sass Website.

Part-1 HTML Structure

- Creat structure of the HTML5
- Give name of your project (title)
- Create the main structur of the HTML

Part-2 Sass / Scss Structure

- Set a background
- Set color and margin etc..
- Define others color-size-padding etc with scss
  • Step 3: Push your application into your own public repo on Github

  • Step 4: Deploy your application on Github template to showcase your app within your team.


  • You can use HTML and CSS to complete this project.


⌛ Happy Coding ✍