I graduated of computer engineering in Yalova University. I am working as a cyber security specialist in Turkish Technology.
Turkish TechnologyIstanbul
Pinned Repositories
BattleShip Game made with C. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
Minesweeper clone. Made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
In this project; command, factory, singleton, adapter and facade design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.
In this project; composite, iterator, proxy, template method and state design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.
in this project ; A database was created for a website that sells movie tickets for more than one movie theater. Some add, delete, update and query commands have been created on this database. This project was written for the database systems lecture.
The program that makes the Diamond Pattern. Made with C language. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
The E-Commerce Application that made with Xamarin and MVVM Pattern using Firebase authentication, Firebase realtime database and Sqlite. This program was written for the Object Oriented Programming lecture.
In this project; observer, decorator and strategy design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.
Program that performs Polybius Encryption. Made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and programming lecture.
Matris Number Puzzle Game made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
kamilhan-karaismailoglu's Repositories
in this project ; A database was created for a website that sells movie tickets for more than one movie theater. Some add, delete, update and query commands have been created on this database. This project was written for the database systems lecture.
The E-Commerce Application that made with Xamarin and MVVM Pattern using Firebase authentication, Firebase realtime database and Sqlite. This program was written for the Object Oriented Programming lecture.
BattleShip Game made with C. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
Minesweeper clone. Made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
The program that makes the Diamond Pattern. Made with C language. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
In this project; observer, decorator and strategy design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.
Program that performs Polybius Encryption. Made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and programming lecture.
Matris Number Puzzle Game made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
In this project; command, factory, singleton, adapter and facade design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.
In this project; composite, iterator, proxy, template method and state design patterns were applied on the ready-made WPF codes. This project was written for object oriented programming lecture.
The E-Commerce web site that made with Nuxt 3, Vue 3, Typescript, Express API using local API, SSR, PWA. This program was written for the Web Programming lecture.
In this project, a library management system will be developed. There are two different modes in the system. Student mode; Login/Logout the student can list the books stored in the system the student can borrow books and return the borrowed book Librarian Mode; Login/logout Listing all books Searching a book Update book information Adding a new book Deleting a book saved in the system After running the program, the user needs to log in to the system. The operations listed above cannot be performed without logging into the system. Login to the system will be done by giving name-surname and password information. The name-surname and password received from the console will be compared with the information in the binary files. When there is a match, the login process will be completed. In the program, 2 separate menus will be displayed to the user. While the processes related to login / logout and termination of the program are displayed in the main menu, the sub-menus will show the menu of actions that can be performed according to the type of user logged in to the system. Book information will be stored in files named book.bin, student information in student.bin, and librarian information in librarian.bin. The information that needs to be updated according to the operations performed will be updated through these files.
Library Automation made with C# and Access Database
The program first saves the values received from the user in the queue structure, then adds the values in this queue structure larger than the average of the queue to the linked list created in accordance with the stack structure and copies this linked list into an array. Finally, it writes the created array to the screen. Made with C. This program was written for the Data Structures lecture.
The program making comparison between doubly linked lists created by values read from text file. Made with C. This program was written for the Data Structures lecture.
Program to Calculate Text Similarity ratio using Tversky Index, Sørensen–Dice coefficient and Jaccard Index. Made with C#. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
The vehicle, which is controlled by bluetooth, checks whether there is an obstacle in front of it with the help of ultrasonic sensor and stepper motor before moving forward. This project was written for microprocessors lecture.
The program that does some math calculations. Made with C language. This program was written for the Algorithms and Programming lecture.
In this project, create grepFile function like grep command in linux. With the grepFile command to be created, the searched words will be found in the scanned file and the lines on which they are will be printed to the output file. The number of times this word is repeated in the relevant file will be displayed in the terminal. This project was written for System Programming lecture.
In this project, the tree height will be given as a command line argument. According to the incoming argument, files with txt extension will be created for each node in the structure to be created. The filenames will be determined by the pid the nodes have. Random values for leaf nodes will be generated and stored in the files created. Starting from the leaves, while going up, the values in the child nodes will be collected and transferred to the parent node. There is also a makefile in the project. This project was written for System Programming lecture.
Password Vault made with C# and Firebase Realtime Database. The data in the database is encrypted with AES and MD5. This program was written for the thesis.