
A functional oscilloscope for TouchDesigner

MIT LicenseMIT



td-scope is a flexible oscilloscope for TouchDesigner. It works in a similar way to a real oscilloscope: a trigger and slope direction tell the system what part of the signal to track. In this example, the sample's index that meets this trigger condition is passed to a vertex shader which shifts the whole graph to align it for rendering.

Built with TouchDesigner 099


Connect an audio buffer to the td-scope tox and start adjusting parameters. Depending on how complex the signal is, some fine tuning of the trigger, comparator, and slope sign will be required to get a good track.

There's a little visual feedback thrown on at the end to make it look cool.

Tip: for particularly tricky signals, try using Proximity with a very small width.


Latch enables tracking to get a stable looking waveform. Turning it off makes it behave like a Trail CHOP and can be useful for longer timebases.

Timebase chooses the window size in stepped increments. The length in seconds is displayed in the disabled parameter above.

Trigger is the threshold at which the oscilloscope latches onto a signal. This has the largest influence on the waveform stability. It is normalized to the incoming signal.

Trigger Comparator selects whether the oscilloscope should look for values greater than or less than the chosen trigger value.

  • Less latches onto values that are less than the trigger.
  • Greater latches onto values that are greater than the trigger.
  • Proximity latches onto values that are within a certain range from the trigger. The Trigger Width parameter sets how large the acceptable range is.

Slope Sign pairs the trigger to either a positive or negative slope.

Resample High Freq will resample the buffer when the timebase is small (less than the length of 1 frame).

Normalize Scale normalizes the scope's vertical size.

Scale is a manual x/y scale on the visualization, applied after normalizing.

Position moves the graph horizontally and vertically.


  • Better centering
  • Faster method of getting sample index. C++ CHOP?