to make this work, you'll need to provide your own google-services.json
- place it in the main folder.
yarn android
will install your custom expo client (and clicka
to open android emulator)yarn start
will run expo --dev-client
- Background
- once running the app the TOKEN will appear in the console
cd server
- `yarn start --token
- Notifications are caught in all states (Foreground/Background/Killed)
- if app is killed the fcm message priority must be
this is documented infcm.ts
possible classiffication models
- TabBar
- this issue explains the "resolution" field in package.json
- list AVDs
emualtor -list-avds
- alias for starting android emulator
START \B C:\Users\kamin\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\emulator.exe" @Pixel_5_API_30