
Draw.io template/diagram containing C4 Model shapes. Drawio Diagrams.net


This file is in .png (with embedded XML) format and can be edited directly in draw.io

It will not require a draw.io plugin popup as it is not a plugin - making it easier for others to edit the diagram.


Quick Start

Click the link below to load the file in draw.io Online:

Classic: https://www.draw.io/#Uhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaminzo/c4-draw.io/master/c4.drawio.png

With Icons: https://www.draw.io/#Uhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaminzo/c4-draw.io/master/c4-icons.drawio.png


An easy way to find the icons image URL for the container shape is to search Google Images for your "technology name " + "logo SVG".

Loading the shapes library from XML

The c4.drawio.library.xml is a library definition that can be imported into an existing draw.io diagram and provides the C4 model shapes as a library.

To import the shapes library, download the XML. Then, in draw.io, go to File -> Open library from -> Device and select the XML file from your device.


Simply copy and paste shapes.

Select a shape and press Cmd + M (on Mac) to edit shape data.

If you like, save the file as .png (with embedded XML) for ease of viewing.




With Icons



C4Model Author: Simon Brown - https://c4model.com/ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License