
Decentralized automation network for Solana

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Automation engine for the Solana blockchain

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Program Address Devnet Mainnet
Network F8dKseqmBoAkHx3c58Lmb9TgJv5qeTf3BbtZZSEzYvUa v1.2.4 Soon
Queue 3XXuUFfweXBwFgFfYaejLvZE4cGZiHgKiGfMtdxNzYmv v1.2.4 Soon


  • Clockwork is under active development. All interfaces and implementations are subject to change.
  • Smart contracts are automatically scanned by Sec3's auto-auditing software, but have not been reviewed by a paid auditing firm.
  • Use at your own risk.

Getting started

Download the source code:

git clone https://github.com/clockwork-xyz/clockwork
cd clockwork

The main branch is under active development and subject to bugs. To work with a stable version, checkout a release branch:

git checkout tags/v1.0.2

Build the repo:

./scripts/build-all.sh .
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

Start a local node for development:

clockwork localnet

To stream program logs:

solana logs --url localhost

Deploying a worker

To run the Clockwork plugin on your Solana validator, you can either build from scratch (shown above) or install the pre-built binary:

curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/clockwork-xyz/clockwork/releases/latest | grep "clockwork-geyser-plugin-release-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -qi -
tar -xjvf clockwork-geyser-plugin-release-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
rm clockwork-geyser-plugin-release-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.bz2

Next, create a new keypair for signing Clockwork txs. Load this keypair with a small amount of SOL (~0.01 ◎). You will be compensated for lamports spent by the tasks your worker executes. Automation fees (rewards) are implemented and will soon be enabled.

solana-keygen new -o clockwork-worker-keypair.json

Then, setup the plugin config file in a folder where your validator startup script can reference it. Note, the libpath and keypath values should point to the binary and keypair mentioned in the steps above.

  "libpath": "/home/sol/clockwork-geyser-plugin-release/lib/libclockwork_plugin.so",
  "keypath": "/home/sol/clockwork-worker-keypair.json",
  "rpc_url": "",
  "transaction_timeout_threshold": 150,
  "thread_count": 10,
  "worker_id": 0,  // Set this to your worker ID!

Finally, add an additional line to your startup script to run your validator with the Clockwork plugin (often located at /home/sol/bin/validator.sh):


exec solana-validator \
    --identity /home/sol/validator-keypair.json \
    --known-validator dv1ZAGvdsz5hHLwWXsVnM94hWf1pjbKVau1QVkaMJ92 \
    --known-validator dv2eQHeP4RFrJZ6UeiZWoc3XTtmtZCUKxxCApCDcRNV \
    --known-validator dv4ACNkpYPcE3aKmYDqZm9G5EB3J4MRoeE7WNDRBVJB \
    --known-validator dv3qDFk1DTF36Z62bNvrCXe9sKATA6xvVy6A798xxAS \
    --only-known-rpc \
    --full-rpc-api \
    --no-voting \
    --ledger /mnt/ledger \
    --accounts /mnt/accounts \
    --log /home/sol/solana-rpc.log \
    --rpc-port 8899 \
    --rpc-bind-address \
    --dynamic-port-range 8000-8020 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint.devnet.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint2.devnet.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint3.devnet.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint4.devnet.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint5.devnet.solana.com:8001 \
    --expected-genesis-hash EtWTRABZaYq6iMfeYKouRu166VU2xqa1wcaWoxPkrZBG \
    --wal-recovery-mode skip_any_corrupted_record \
    --limit-ledger-size \
    # Add this line! 👇🏼
    --geyser-plugin-config /home/sol/geyser-plugin-config.json

Now simply restart your validator however you normally would!