This application provides a simple GUI to administrate Spring Cloud applications infrastructure. It's a fork of Spring Boot Admin to manage applications registered in service registry (like Eureka).
At the moment it provides the following features for every registered application (most of then inherited of spring-boot-admin).
- Show name/id and version number
- Show health status
- Show details, like
- Java System- / Environment- / Spring properties
- JVM & memory metrics
- Counter & gauge Metrics
- Datasource Metrics
- Easy loggerlevel management
- Interact with JMX-Beans
- View Threaddump
Any specific spring cloud information are also available in dashboard
- Application registry history ( from Eureka Server )
- Circuit Breaker dashboard ( from Hystrix or Turbine )
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml after you have build this project locally.
Create the Spring Cloud Dashboard with only one single Annotation.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Samples are available in this repository :