
Cognitive Assistant for Google Glass

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Glassistant: Cognitive Assistant based on Google Glass

Glassistant is a framework to write cognitive assistants that utilizes computer vision and runs on Google Glass. It is built on Gabriel infrastructure.

  • android directory contains the starter code for the Android client.
  • bin contains the binaries to run the framework on the cloud.
  • assistant contains the code for the cognitive assistant.

For questions and feedback, please email icanberk@andrew.cmu.edu

Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Carnegie Mellon University This is a developing project and some features might not be stable yet.


All source code, documentation, and related artifacts associated with the Glassistant project are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

A copy of this license is reproduced in the LICENSE file.

Installation - Glassistant

Ensure the python executable on your PATH is Python 2 with python --version. If you are using Python 3, setup and use a [virtualenv][virtualenv] in an external directory so that the python on your PATH is Python 2.

  • Initialize the virtual environment with virtualenv -p python2.7 ~/.env-2.7.
  • Use the environment with source ~/.env-2.7/bin/activate.
  • Stop using the environment with deactivate.

Replacing the symlink in a directory such as /usr/bin/python is not recommended because this can potentially break other Python 3 applications.

You will also need the following packages.

To install, you can either

  • run a installation script::

    $ sudo apt-get install fabric openssh-server $ fab localhost install

  • install manually::

    sudo apt-get install default-jre python-pip pssh python-psutil sudo pip install flask==0.9 flask-restful==0.2.1 six==1.1.0

Installation - Default networking interface.

If your default networking interface is not eth0, the current method to configuring other interfaces is to replace eth0 occurrences in the following files.

  • <gabriel-repo>/gabriel/lib/gabriel_REST_server
  • <gabriel-repo>/bin/gabriel-ucomm

Installation - Application

Described at README file of each application directory

Tested platforms

We have tested at Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit but it should work well other version of Ubuntu with a current installation script. We expect this code also works other Linux distributions as long as you can install required package.

How to use

  1. Run the control server from the binary directory.

    $ cd <gabriel-repo>/bin
    $ ./gabriel-control
    INFO     Start RESTful API Server
    INFO     Start UPnP Server
    INFO     Start monitoring offload engines
    INFO     * Mobile server(<class 'mobile_server.MobileVideoHandler'>) configuration
    INFO      - Open TCP Server at ('', 9098)
    INFO      - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO     --------------------------------------------------
    INFO     * Mobile server(<class 'mobile_server.MobileAccHandler'>) configuration
    INFO      - Open TCP Server at ('', 9099)
    INFO      - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO     --------------------------------------------------
    INFO     * Mobile server(<class 'mobile_server.MobileResultHandler'>) configuration
    INFO      - Open TCP Server at ('', 9101)
    INFO      - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO     --------------------------------------------------
    INFO     * Application server(<class 'app_server.VideoSensorHandler'>) configuration
    INFO      - Open TCP Server at ('', 10101)
    INFO      - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO     --------------------------------------------------
    INFO     * Application server(<class 'app_server.AccSensorHandler'>) configuration
    INFO      - Open TCP Server at ('', 10102)
    INFO      - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO     --------------------------------------------------
    INFO     * UComm server configuration
    INFO      - Open TCP Server at ('', 9090)
    INFO      - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO     --------------------------------------------------
  2. Run ucomm server from the binary directory.

    $ cd <gabriel-repo>/bin
    $ ./gabriel-ucomm
    INFO     execute : java -jar /home/krha/gabriel/src/control/lib/gabriel_upnp_client.jar
    INFO    Gabriel Server :
    INFO    connecting to x.x.x.x:9090
    INFO    * UCOMM server configuration
    INFO     - Open TCP Server at ('', 10120)
    INFO     - Disable nagle (No TCP delay)  : 1
    INFO    --------------------------------------------------
    INFO    Start forwarding data

    If ucomm server is successfully connected to control server, you can see a log message "INFO User communication module is connected" at control server.

  3. Run the cognitive engine.

    python gabriel-app-starter.py will run your code at assistant app

  4. Run a mobile client using source code at <gabriel-repo>/android/. Make sure to change IP address of GABRIEL_IP variable at src/edu/cmu/cs/gabriel/Const.java.