
Companion repo for technical writing mentorship program

The Next Big Writer


This idea was born in one of our monthly meetups. Folks had written drafts on some of the topics but were scared to put them out there. On probing further, it was the case that they didn’t want to publicly associate the post with their names in case it doesn’t get good reception. This traps them in a vicious cycle: They don’t publish because they feel the writing is not good enough, and the writing can’t improve without feedback!
To solve this problem, we are announcing “The Next Big Writer” experiment:

  • Write your post in markdown and submit a PR under drafts folder.
  • It will be published to Hashnode under the "The Next Big Writer" publication.
  • It’ll be shared on Twitter and our Telegram group.

The aim is to get you to reach so that you get feedback (likes/comments), which is the only way to improve.

How it works?

It involves just 3 simple steps:

  1. Send a PR with your draft.
  2. Get constructive feedback and improvise.
  3. Submit to "The Next Big Writer" publication on Hashnode to publish.

How to join?

You just have to create an account on hashnode.com and share the username at this link so that we can add you as a contributor.

That's it, you're in. Select "The Next Big Writer" under publications to submit your draft.

What about topics?

We will be adding topics as issues and you can comment "I want to take this" on them. Once you're done with your first draft, send a pull request and reference your "issue". We will merge the PR after review and mark it as completed 🎉. You can also choose your topic as per your comfort level. Just create an issue with your topic name and drop the "I'm taking this" comment. This will make sure only one person is writing on one topic.

Contribution workflow

The current workflow for submitting a post is as follows:

  1. Clone this repository - git clone https://github.com/iamshadmirza/TheNextBigWriter.git
  2. Create a branch - git checkout -b post/your-post-name
  3. Create a subdirectory of your choosen topic. example: top-10-node-tricks
  4. Create a new file with the naming convention of title-of-the-post.md inside the created directory.
  5. Write your post
  6. Commit the post to the repo
  7. Create a pull request on master
  8. In the pull request title, put the title of your post - Add My Post Title
  9. Submit the pull request. Feedback and reviews will be done of pull request.