
This is angular-2 learning project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#AngularJs-2 Beta Application

  • Angular 2.0
  • Gulp
  • Jasmine
  • Karma
  • SASS
  • Typescript
  • Webpack
  • Webpack Development Server


  • Inline external HTML templates into typescript component files (optional)
  • Inline and autoprefix external SCSS files into typescript component files (optional)
  • Inject styles into index.html (optional)
  • Inject script tags into index.html
  • Bundle and minify release builds

Getting Started


  • node >=5.2

Installing Global Dependencies

Gulp v4 (optional)
$ npm install -g gulpjs/gulp-cli#4.0

The gulp tasks for this project require gulp v4-alpha. If you don't wish to globally install the v4 gulp-cli, you can run the gulp tasks using the locally installed gulp under ./node_modules/.bin — for example:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp

Installing Project-local Dependencies

$ npm install
$ npm run typings



$ gulp
  • Start the Webpack dev server at localhost:3000
  • Watch for changes to your source files
  • Live-reload the browser

Lint (tslint)

$ gulp lint

Test (single-run)

$ gulp test

Test (watch mode)

$ gulp test.watch


$ gulp build

Dist build

$ gulp dist

Executes the following:

  • gulp lint
  • gulp test
  • gulp build