
Athenahealth Careers is a graphical user interface for Athenahealth

Primary LanguageCSS

Athenahealth Careers

Athenahealth Careers is a graphical user interface for Athenahealth, a modern, extensible web-based platform.

Athenahealth Careers: Development

Athenahealth Careers is a static webapp, built from a Angular.js project.


Required skills/expertise

  • Experience of webapplication development
  • Understanding of JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  • Familiarity with Node.js & npm
  • Familiarity with angularjs

Setting up workstation

Make sure you have git, nodejs, npm installed in your system, along with your favorite code-editor & browser with devtools (latest Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome recommended).


Building from source

Within the git cloned source directory, run the following commands to build the app. You should be able to build from the source successfully before making any changes to the source.

$ sudo npm install -g gulp
$ npm install
$ gulp dev

Upon success of all the steps, you should have the build artifacts in ./dist/ subdirectory.

You can also run gulp dev command. It will add watchers to all files and accordingly dist folder will be updated continuosly.

Running a dev-server

To run and test the build locally, you can use various static file server over HTTP. We recommend using http-server module, however, httpd/nginx etc can as well be used.

$ npm install -g http-server
$ cd dist
$ http-server # starts the web-server with doc-root as `pwd`

The advantage of using http-server module is that, it's easy to use it with another existing server which can handle the request, which the test server is incapable of serving.

$ http-server -P http://production.server/

You should be able to browse the app, running on test server by visiting from your browser.