
📊 Just a website that tries to make easier getting basic statistics information from a given list of numbers 📊

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Welcome to ✨ Statistics for Everyone ✨ 👋

Version Twitter: kammzinho

Just a website that tries to make easier getting basic statistics information from a given list of numbers

Why ?

I really wanted some way of getting fast information when doing homework from math classes.
So, I created this simple website that provides some information given a list of numbers.

Eu estava fazendo algumas tarefas relacionads a matemática, e queria alguma maneira de gerar todas as repostas de uma vez.
Acabei criando esse site que gera as informações a partir de uma lista de números.

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What it does?

Produce a Statistical Summary that contains:

  • Order numbers
  • Get the Mean
  • Get the Median
  • Get the Mode
  • Get the Range
  • Get the Standard Deviation
  • Get the Variance
  • Get the Coefficiente of Variation

Also also we have a Frequency Distribution table:
For discrete numbers:

  • Verify which Numbers were used
  • Get the Absolute Frequency of each Number
  • Get the Relative Frequency of each Number

For continuous numbers:

  • Get Numbers Intervals
  • Verify which Numbers are in each Interval
  • Get the Absolute Frequency of each Number insde that Interval
  • Get the Relative Frequency of each Number insde that Interval


👤 Vinicius Kammradt

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