
:large_blue_diamond: I have absolute no idea how this will end, but it aims to be a similar to a terminal :large_blue_diamond:

Primary LanguageGo

Welcome to Termigol πŸ’»

The go Gopher

Description πŸ“

I really enjoy learning new stuff, and the easiest path for me is by doing a project.
I was curious about Golang and how to use it, so I decided to create a simple terminal emulator.

This project does not want in any way be a product, the-best-solution nor compete with any other similar project, this is just a the result of a learning process πŸ˜›

Goals πŸ—ΊοΈ

How can verify my ideias on issues page 😊

How to use ✏️


Make sure you have a bin folder inside your ~ directory


πŸ‘€ Vinicius Kammradt