
An iron oxide playground for Atmel's favorite children

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A small Hello World Rust application for the AVR.

The program itself toggles a LED on PORTB periodically.

Designed for Arduino Pro (ATmega168 8Mhz).

The AVR-Rust Book


  • A recent version of the nightly Rust compiler. Anything including or greater than rustc 1.63.0-nightly (fee3a459d 2022-06-05) can be used.
  • Caveat: As of April 2023, recent nightly versions no longer work. I'm using nightly-2022-10-01-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • The rust-src rustup component - $ rustup component add rust-src
  • AVR-GCC on the system for linking
  • AVR-Libc on the system for support libraries


Now to build and flash, run:


You can view the Makefile to see details
