
My other dotfiles directory has fallen to disuse. This is the new one.

Primary LanguagePython


I hope you know what these are. This is dotfiles2 because my other dot files repository fell into disuse when I tried to replace it with a Puppet system. I've stopped using both, so this is the second dotfiles repo.


Dot files go in the configs/ directory. The script utils/install.py puts the files in their place, and the file map dictates where that is.


The map file informs install.py where to hardlink files to. Each line has a left and a right side. The left side is a regex that is run against files in the configs/ dir, and the right side indicates where on the system the matched files should be place. The left and right side are separated by the string ' -- '.

The match regex is only run against files, not directories. If the match regex contains a /, it will be matches against the full path of the file, and if not it will only be matched against the filename. Additionally, if the regex does not contain a /, the path that the file was found in in the configs directory will be prepended to the destination.

There is a special value for the right side, !ignore, which causes the file to remain unlinked. This is useful for things like vim .swp files.