
CLI tool to manage mongodb indexes

Primary LanguageGo


CLI tool to manage mongo database collection indexes through json files


$ indexer --config <json config file> --uri <mongo database uri>

Below is the description of all the accepted options

  • --apply not required, to apply the index changes
  • --config required, path to json file containing the each collection index. This json file should be in this format
  • --uri required, mongo database uri

Config Format

The config json file that you will pass to --config flag to index the database collection should be in specific format. This file is an array of objects. Where each object has details like collection name, cap size and indexes for this specific collection.

        "collection": "collection_name",
        "cap": null,
        "index": [
            ["orderNumber", "type"],
            ["-type", "-paymentStatus", "-payment.paymentMethod"],
        "collection": "collection_name",
        "cap": null,
        "index": [
            ["-createdAt", "-user.email"],
  • Collection is the collection name
  • cap collection cap size in bytes (not yet supported)
  • index array of indexes - sign before a column refers to the descending order and no sign before column name refers to the ascending order


See list of index changes before applying

$ indexer --config "/path/to/xyz.json" --uri "mongodb://"

Apply the index changes

$ indexer --config "/path/to/xyz.json" --uri "mongodb://" --apply


  • write tests
  • cap on collection
  • support for unique and expireAt indexes


MIT © Adnan Ahmed