
An integration of Sigma.js with Neo4j and some custom render

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An integration of Sigma.js with Neo4j, with some customs renderers to make parallele curves

How to use it

  • import the script

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://rawgit.com/sim51/neosig/master/docs/neosig.bundle-1.0.0.js"></script>
  • Import fontawesome if you need to display some icon

<script src="https://use.fontawesome.com/bd149a0111.js"></script>
  • Create an object configuration for Neo4j

var neo4j = {
    url: 'bolt://localhost',
    login: 'neo4j',
    password: 'admin'
  • Create a graph style object :

var style = {
    labels: {
    Person : {
        // field to display (if ommit, node's id will be displayed)
        label: 'name',
        color: '#654321',
        size: 10,
        icon: {
            // the fontawesome unicode
            name: 'f007',
            color: '#FFF',
            scale: 1.0
    Movie : {
        label: 'title',
        color: '#123456',
        size: 10,
        icon: {
        name: 'f008',
        color: '#FFF',
        scale: 1.0
    edges: {
        ACTED_IN: {
            color: '#040404',
  • Call the Neo4jGraph function to get the result of your query as a graph structure compatible with Sigma. This function takes 4 attributs :

    • The Neo4j configuration object

    • The graph style object

    • A cypher query

    • Parameters of the cypher query

Neo4jGraph(neo4j, style, 'MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n,r,m LIMIT 20').then( function(result) {

      var sig = new sigma({
          graph: result,
          renderer: {
            container: 'graph-container',
            type: 'canvas'
          settings: {
            enableEdgeHovering: true,
            edgeHoverExtremities: true

      // enable drag'n'drop
      sigma.plugins.dragNodes(sig, sig.renderers[0]);

      // start layout
      sig.startForceAtlas2({worker: true, barnesHutOptimize: false});
      setTimeout(() => { sig.stopForceAtlas2() }, 5000);



If you have a running Neo4j with the movie dataset on your local computer, and if the neo4j user password is admin, you can test it here : https://sim51.github.io/neosig/