
Primary LanguageJavaScript

BAMazon -- Node.js & MySQL


Trying some Markdown Here. Right Click Preview in VS Code for Best Display. This is the basic edition of BAMazon.
Where Inquirer and MySQL modules/packages are used to allow shopping on server side comand prompts for all programs who cannot break away from their lives on command line! I did the basic edition but there were some interesting observations as to how the code ended up working. I followed all the instructions but added a before and after Quantity Tally, rather than doing the bonus items. I need to spend more time on other parts of the class rather than developing Inquirer skills. The Inquirer docs were not very clear and had broken links, which leads to the old adage, "An API/Module etc is only as good as its Docs!"


Screenshots of bamazonCustomer.js running with nodemon calling MySQL on Port 3306, the item_id, product_name, and price are shown as instructed.

  • MySQL Database & Table Created with 11 Products Inserted including 2 different types of Handlebars Image of MySQL


  • 1st Time: 1 MacBook Air (Option 2) is purchased. Quantity is reduced by one and total cost of $2500 is shown.

  • 2nd Time: 99 Remaining MacBook Airs are purchased. Quantity is reduced to zero and total cost of $$$$$$$ is shown.

  • 3rd Time: 1 MacBook Air is attempted to be purchased and a response of insufficent quantity is shown.

** Added to Portfolio with Readme


KAMazon BAMazon

I tried a spiffy Readme Markdown file:

  • "Because screenshots (and well-written READMEs) are extremely important in the context of GitHub, this will be part of the grading.

click here for a rundown, or just take a look at the raw file of these instructions."