REAL MADRID fan page ================================================================================================================================================================================================= FRONT-END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The main page of website is index.php, you will see LATEST NEWS that has been fetched from database 2. Click Squad button, it will redirect you to squad.php and you will see players that have photo and name, when you click name or photo of the players it will redirect you to website( which you will see the statistics of players. 3. Click Gallery button, it will redirect you to gallery.php, you will photos of the games and it is carousel it should slide automatically or you can slide them manually. 4. Click History button, it will redirect you to history.php, you will see the dropdown button and the dropdown has a years you can choose any year and you can read history of the football club. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACK-END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.There is ADMIN button on main webpage - index.php click it and it will redirec yout to Admin.php 2.In Admin.php you can add news, delete news or update it or go back to main page. 3.Click Add News and it will redirect you to createnews.php page and there you can add news to database. 4.Click trash can button it will ask you to confirm. 5.Click pen button it will redirect you to updatenews.php page. You can update new from here ====================================================================================================================================================================================================