
A list of all the things I'd love to accomplish in programming!

My Programming Bucket List

A list of all the things I'd love to accomplish in programming! ⭐⭐⭐

This repository is inspired by one of my former Dev Bootcamp students and current Software Engineer at Uber, Ginny Fahs. You can find her blog here: https://blog.prototypr.io/wondering-if-youre-a-real-developer-yet-try-making-a-bucket-list-281275482155

I populated this list with ideas from this blog post, too: https://medium.com/@jbnv/a-bucket-list-for-programmers-e6a8c568d05d

✅ Done:

  • Attend a hackathon. (AngelHack San Francisco 2014)
  • Push code to GitHub.
  • Open the computer’s terminal.
  • Use a text editor.
  • Learn to use a keyboard shortcut as a habit.
  • Write tests for your code.
  • Attend an engineering conference. (ForwardJS SF 2015)
  • Read a book about coding. (Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, started June 2015)
  • Open your browser console.
  • Hide API keys from the public.
  • Deploy a project. (Nuzzle on Heroku, November 2019)
  • Create an Airbnb clone. (Nuzzle, November 2019)
  • Create a dating app. (Datesy, December 2019)
  • Write an app specifically for a mobile platform. (Datesy, December 2019)
  • Get data from an API. (Pinterest API, January 2020)
  • Help other people learn to code and debug. (Le Wagon TA in Buenos Aires, January 2020)
  • Complete a timed technical challenge on HackerRank. (Outco Fundamentals Test, February 2020)

🚧 Doing:

  • Learn to use a Sublime shortcut as a habit.
  • Write a functioning Web application in JavaScript (without a framework).
  • Make your own Website. Buy a domain name representing your name and set up a website with that domain name.
  • Complete a mock technical interview.
  • Apply for a software engineering apprenticeship.
  • Post a question on Stack Overflow.
  • Contribute to an open source project.

😍 To Do:

💻 Career

  • Complete a real technical interview.
  • Get paid to code.
  • Ship your project to a store. (App Store, Play Store, Chrome Store, Alexa Skills Store, so many stores!)
  • When someone asks what you do, respond with "I'm a Software Engineer."
  • Speak about something engineering-related at an event.
  • Mentor a junior developer.
  • Teach a class on programming.
  • Write a technical blog post.
  • Have an estimate accepted without ridicule or derision.
  • Do something that causes a lot of trouble for your employer. Clean it up. Tell epic stories about it forever after.
  • Serve on call. Resolve a major issue in the wee hours of the night, on a weekend, or on a holiday.
  • Wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea. Spend the wee hours developing that idea.
  • Contribute an article to CSS Tricks.

🎟️ Conferences & Events

  • Participate in a hackathon.
  • Attend An Event Apart.
  • Attend DefCon.
  • Attend RailsConf. Watch DHH speak IRL. Meet DHH IRL.
  • Attend SmashingConf.
  • Attend CodeLand.

📚 Books

  • Read Real Programmers Don’t Use Pascal. Contemplate how easy you have it these days.
  • Read 99 Bottles of OOP by Sandy Metz.
  • Read Practical Object Oriented Ruby by Sandy Metz.
  • Read Developing Large Web Applications: Producing Code That Can Grow and Thrive.
  • Read The Elements of Computing Systems.
  • Read Eloquent JavaScript.
  • Finish the entire You Don't Know JavaScript book series.

💡 Learning

  • Build something nontrivial using hardware logic gates.
  • Write a functioning program in either COBOL or Fortran.
  • Write a functioning program in assembly language.
  • Write a functioning program in C.
  • Write an NPM module.
  • Develop a REST API.
  • Write something that interacts with the physical world.
  • Write a virus. Release it into the wild.
  • Set up a continuous build and deploy process.
  • Create a programming language. Write a compiler or interpreter for the language.
  • Use a machine-learning technique.