#Laravel 5.0.* Ecommerce Application.
####This is basically a modified Laravel 4.0.* Tutsplus course project - created by Andrew Perkins.
####I have modified almost every file of the project to make it a Laravel 5.0.* project. Through this modification I have learned a lot.
I have changed folder structure of the original project.
I have regenerated (via - artisan) and rewritten almost every db-migration, seed, model, controller, middleware etc.
Thus this upgraded demo project now complies with Laravel 5.0.* and its advanced Autoloading.
I have replaced cart package "moltin/laravel-cart" with "gloudemans/shoppingcart" and changed the cart codes accordingly. The previous one doesnot suppport Laravel 5.0.*.
##Installation: It is better to follow regular Laravel installation process. After Installing Laravel you can take necessary codes from here.