Memory Game Project

Table of Contents


-- COngruations pop : it is done (with the moves# and the times ); also it will reset once the user close the modal dialog box.

-- restart button : it works (reset all the timer/ move count and CLEAR all the open and matched cards)

-- star rating ( I decrement by 1 after 16th and 24th moves)

-- timer : done

-- move-count : done..


-- I tried to modualized as much as i could -- I would like to learn what is the better way to moduleized the function. the most concerning is the ordering of the functions whic are also intermiggling with the varible and the DOM elements refernences. the code is not very maintainable which I am looking forward to the solution in the latter of this course.



for the comment afte the initial submssion

  1. provide a restart button on the modal box
  2. timer is only called once in each session
  3. the timer should stops when the game ends.



fix the bug

  1. The Timer needs to stop, Once the user wins the game.