
Create Heroku deploys in SpeedCurve. This is a sinatra app that accepts Heroku formatted deploy post requests and triggers a SpeedCurve API request to create a deploy.


Deploy Click this button to create a new Heroku app.

Then, go to any other Heroku app and add a Deploy Hook. Point the deploy hook url to:


Add the Heroku Deploy add-on like this:

heroku addons:add deployhooks:http --url=https://your-heroku-speedcurve-deployhook-app.herokuapp.com/deploy/your-speedcurve-api-key/your-site-id

heroku-speedcurve-deployhook will, by default, wait 25 seconds to give your new app time to warm up. If you want to override this, you can set an environment variable named DELAY_TIME. The value is in seconds.

Now, SpeedCurve will create a deploy whenever your app is deployed on Heroku.