
A REST API that implements a simple money transfer between accounts

Primary LanguagePython

How to build and run the API

Ensure that you have python3 correctly installed and configured in your Operating System

Ensure that you have PostgreSQL correctly installed and configured in your Operating System

Ensure that you have Postman installed in your Operating System

Steps to build the application

In Development

  1. Clone the Repository into your local computer

  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project using your Terminal

  3. Create a .env file at the root directory of the project

    The .env file should have the following attributes as shown in the image debug3

    DB_NAME= Name of your PostgreSQL database

    DB_USER= database user

    DB_PASSWORD= database user password

    DB_HOST= database host

  4. Create a virual environment using the command python3 -m venv venv

  5. Activate the Virtual environment using the commands below:

    • On Linux Operating system use the command source ./venv/bin/activate

    • On Windows Operating System use the command venv\Scripts\activate.bat

    You will notice that venv appears before the beginnning of your Terminal. This indicates that the Virual environment is activated.

  6. Install the dependencies for the project using the command pip install -r requirements.txt

  7. Run the the command python3 manage.py makemigrations in order to generate SQL commands

  8. Run the the command python3 manage.py migrate in order to execute those SQL commands in the database

  9. Run the app using the command python3 manage.py runserver

In Production

Change the DEBUG attribute to False and change the DB_HOST to point to the location of your database in the .env file and follow the installation guidelines provided by the production platform

API Structure

The API has 3 main modules (directories):

  1. src - Contains the API configurations

  2. authentication - Module (app) responsible for handling authentication functions, User creation & login functionalities

  3. transfers - Module (app) responsible for handling all the financial transactions

API Description

In order to access the API endpoints, users must register and login in order to obtain an auth Token (JWT).

The API schema can be accessed via this url http://localhost:8000/schema

The Schema view will appear as shown below:


  1. For user registration, access the andpoint via a POST request and pass the following attributes in the request body (full_name,phone_number,password) as shown below.

user registration

  1. For user Login, access the andpoint via a POST request and pass the following attributes in the request body (phone_number,password) as shown below.


  1. For Account creation, pass the access token on the Authorization section of the POST request headers as shown below:


After that pass the staring balance in the request body as shown below:


If an account has already been created: An error message will occur at the response body as shown below"

account creation fail

If starting balance is less than 0: An error message will be presented on the response body

negative bal

Successfull Transaction

Initial balance = 800

Transfer Amount = 200

Update Sender's starting Balance by subtracting 200 from the starting balance

Update Receiver's starting Balance by adding 200 to their starting balance

Save the Transaction in the Transfer (s) database Table

Relevent error messages will be dispalyed on the Response body incase the transfer amount is less than 0, transfer amount is greater than available balance or the receiver's account does not exist