
clipster - python clipboard manager

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Clipster is a simple clipboard manager, written in Python (2 or 3). It aims to be lightweight, have a small set of non-core dependencies (Gtk+), and is designed to interact well with tiling and keyboard-based window managers. It uses selection events, rather than polling, and offers both command-line and GUI interaction with the clipboard.

Clipster has 2 modes of operation - daemon, which handles clipboard events and maintains a history, and client, which requests clipboard history from, and pushes new items to, the daemon.


Clipster was designed to try to add a good selection of useful features, while avoiding bad design decisions or becoming excessively large. Its feature list includes:

  • Event driven, rather than polling. More efficient, helps with power management.

  • Control over when it write to disk, for similar reasons.

  • Command-line options/config for everything.

  • No global keybindings - that's the job of a Window Manager

  • Sensible handling of unusual clipboard events. Some apps (Chrome, Emacs) trigger a clipboard 'update event' for every character you select, rather than just one event when you stop selecting.

  • Preserves the last item in clipboard after an application closes. (Many apps clear the clipboard on exit).

  • Minimal dependencies, no complicated build/install requirements.

  • utf-8 support

  • Proper handling of embedded newlines and control codes.

  • Smart matching of urls, emails, regexes. (extract_*)

  • Option to synchronise the SELECTION and CLIPBOARD clipboards. (sync_selections)

  • Option to track one or both clipboards. (active_selections)

  • Option to ignore clipboard updates form certain applications. (filter_classes)

  • Ability to delete items in clipboard history from GUI or command-line.

  • One-off command to ignore next clipboard selection.

New feature requests always welcome! See Bugs & Improvements at the end of this document.


Build Status

You will need to install the python bindings for the gobject introspection libraries. These are provided by the python-gi and gir1.2-gtk-3.0 packages on debian-based systems, or by the pygobject3 package on redhat-based systems.

To install Clipster, simply download the clipster script from this repository and save it somewhere in your path.

There are AUR packages available for Arch Linux users: clipster-git for the latest git version and clipster for the latest stable release version.


Command-line options

~$ clipster -h
usage: clipster [-h] [-f CONFIG] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-p | -c | -d]
                [-s | -o | -i | -r [DELETE]] [-n NUMBER] [-0] [-m DELIM]

Clipster clipboard manager.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to config file.
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        Set log level: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR,
  -p, --primary         Query, or write STDIN to, the PRIMARY clipboard.
  -c, --clipboard       Query, or write STDIN to, the CLIPBOARD clipboard.
  -d, --daemon          Launch the daemon.
  -s, --select          Launch the clipboard history selection window.
  -o, --output          Output last selection from history. (See -n).
  -i, --ignore          Instruct daemon to ignore next update to clipboard.
  -r [DELETE], --delete [DELETE]
                        Delete from clipboard. Deletes matching text, or if no
                        argument given, deletes last item.
  -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                        Number of lines to output: defaults to 1 (See -o).
                        0 returns entire history.
  -0, --nul             Use NUL character as output delimiter.

  -m DELIM, --delim DELIM
                        String to use as output delimiter (defaults to '\n')

Config file

Clipster (mostly) follows the XDG base-dir spec: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html

Clipster looks for its configuration file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME (usually $HOME/.config/clipster/clipster.ini or /etc/xdg/clipster/clipster.ini), but this can be changed using the -f option.

The config options, and their default values, are shown below. Note the %()s syntax can be used to re-use an existing config option's value elsewhere.

You can create a config file containing only some of the options, and the rest will be derived from defaults.

# Directory for clipster data/files (usually `$HOME/.local/share/clipster`)
#data_dir = /tmp/clipster

# Default selection (if no -p of -c given on command-line): can be PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD
#default_selection = PRIMARY

# Comma-separated list of selections to be watched and written to history
#active_selections = PRIMARY,CLIPBOARD

# Enable synchronising of clipboards
# Only clipboards listed in 'active selections' will be synchronised
#sync_selections = no

# full path to the clipster history file (JSON)
# Maximum file size is: 'history_size * max_input * 2' (defaults: 10MB)
#history_file = %(data_dir)s/history

# Number of items to save in the history file for each selection. 0 - don't save history.
#history_size = 200

# Time in seconds to flush history to disk, if changed
# Set to 0 to only write history file on (clean) exit
#history_update_interval = 60

# Write history file immediately after selection changes?
# If yes, disables history_update_interval
#write_on_change = no

# Full path to the clipster socket file
#socket_file = %(data_dir)s/clipster_sock

# Full path to the clipster pid file
#pid_file = %(data_dir)s/clipster.pid

# Maximum length for new clipboard items
#max_input = 50000

# Number of rows of clipboard content to show in the selection widget before truncating
# Set to a high number to avoid truncation
#row_height = 3

# Allow duplicates in the clipboard (if set to no, the earlier entry will be removed)
#duplicates = no

# smart_update tries to be clever about small changes to the selection, and only adds
# to the history if the number of characters added or removed is greater than it's value.
# for example, if set to 2: the latest clipboard entry catch, would be replaced by any of:
# cat, catc, catchy, catcher, but not ca or catchers.
# Defaults to 1, as some applications update the clipboard by continually adding new
# items with a single character added or removed each time.
# Set to 0 to disable.
#smart_update = 1

# Extract uris from the selection text and add them to the default clipboard
#extract_uris = yes

# Extract emails from the selection text and add them to the default clipboard
#extract_emails = yes

# Extract patterns (as specified in patterns file: clipster_dir/patterns) and add them to the default clipboard
#extract_patterns = no

# Comma-separated list of WM_CLASS properties for apps where clipboard changes should be ignored.
# Used to ignore clipboard changes from sensitive apps, e.g. password managers.
#filter_classes = ""

Using Clipster

Launch the daemon

The first step is to launch the Clipster daemon:

~$ clipster -d

This can be run as a background task on session start.

For debugging, use the -l option:

~$ clipster -d -l DEBUG

Using the client

The client will use the value of default_selection from the config file to decide which selection to read from - this can be overridden using the -p and -c options.

To get the latest entry in the clipboard:

~$ clipster -o [-p|-c]

To get the last 5 items from the clipboard history:

~$ clipster -o -n 5 [-p|-c]

To add some text to the clipboard:

~$ echo "hello world" | clipster [-p|-c]

To launch the clipboard selection dialog box:

~$ clipster -s [-p|-c]

Selection dialog

The dialog box can be used to select an item from the clipboard history - either Arrow Keys and Return or mouse (double-click) can be used to select an item. Pressing Esc will close the dialog.

Items containing multiple lines will be truncated based on the row_height config value.

WM Integration

It's easy to integrate clipster into an existing window manager by binding clipster commands to keyboard shortcuts.

For example, in i3 (my WM of choice) I have the following in my .i3/config file:

# Start clipster daemon
exec --no-startup-id clipster -d

# shortcut to selection widget (primary)
bindsym $mod+c exec clipster -sp

Pattern Matching

As well as the extract_uris and extract_emails options, there is a general-purpose extract_patterns flag. If enabled, this will cause clipster to try to read regular expressions from the patterns file (in clipster_dir) and parse the selection text for matching patterns, adding the matched text to the history. clipster will skip any invalid patterns, logging a warning.

The patterns file expects one regular expression per line. Do not add any comments, quote-marks or delimiters (e.g. /) unles these are part of your pattern.

For example, to match all numbers within the selection text, add \d+ to the patterns file.

Application Filtering

Clipster can ignore clipboard changes from applications based on their WM_CLASS property. This is useful for sensitive apps such as password managers, where you do not want clipster saving the text into the history file.

To determine the WM_CLASS for an application:

  1. run your app
  2. In a new terminal, run xprop. A small cross-hair will appear.
  3. Click on your app.
  4. Note down the second value of the WM_CLASS(STRING) field.

For example, to ignore keepass2, emacs and firefox, add the following list to your config file:

filter_classes = KeePass2,Emacs24,Firefox

Client/Server Protocol

(For developers). The protocol for communication between client and server is fairly simple. It consists of 3 mandatory, and one optional field:


  • ACTION: An action for the server to perform. One of BOARD, DELETE, SELECT.
  • BOARD: The X selection to use. One of PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD.
  • COUNT: A number used for actions where counts are important.
  • CONTENT: (Optional) Content specific to each action.

Note: The final : separator is only included when content is present.

Action: BOARD

This is the default action. If content is none, return clipboard history (using count to determine the number of items to return). If content is defined, add its value to the clipboard.

Action: DELETE

Deletes an item from the clipboard. If content is defined, delete by pattern match. Else delete the last item on the board.

Action: SELECT

Launch the clipboard selection UI window.

Bugs & Improvements

I'm happy to receive any bug reports, pull requests, suggestions for features or other improvements - with the following caveats:

  • Clipster should remain driven by the command-line and keyboard - no GUI-only or mouse-only features.

  • No extra 3rd party dependencies (unless they are ones found in the core of most distros).

  • No requirement for packaging for installation (I'm happy to accept specfiles, debian packaging files etc - but you must always be able to just download and run Clipster if you want).